Surviving Non-stop or Lengthy Flights

Long hours of flying in the economy class aren’t really the most appealing way to travel. But it doesn’t have to be a nightmare either. For one, you can take a seat in the aisle so that you can have easy access to the galley.
And you can also follow the following tips to make your very long journey more comfortable.

  1. Avoid Jet Lag. Jet lag happens when the body’s natural rhythms are disrupted when you cross different time zones and you didn’t have enough sleep prior to travelling. Set your time to the time of your destination as soon as you step on board the plane.
  2. Wear shoes. You must keep in mind that you should never go to the plane’s toilet without wearing the proper footwear. Sure, cabin attendants make sure that it is clean but can you imagine all the substances that are spilled on the floor?
  3. Two drinks. Keeping yourself hydrated before and during the flight should always be top priority. Another thing that you should know is that you can actually ask for two drinks at the same time. This will help save time and the effort of most attendants in serving drinks.
  4. Basic toiletries. Although there are security restrictions regarding flammable substances, simple toiletries like a toothpaste and toothbrush, a deodorant or a moisturizer can be allowed on board the plane.
  5. Get the food at an earlier time. You need to prepare this at the same time that you are booing your ticket. If you want to eat early, you can. Just make sure that you arrange it first.
  6. Wear layers. You can never tell the temperature on each airport and the plane. Different temperatures may lead to sickness if the body is not able to adapt quickly.
  7. Exercise. It doesn’t mean that you have to run or do push-ups while you are on the plane. A little muscle stretching when you stand up and make your way to the toilet will help the muscle relax and avoid numbness.
  8. Dry air. In order for you to avoid having a dry skin at the end of the flight. Wet a cloth, put it in your face and direct the air vents on the cloth. This will lessen the effects of dryness.
  9. Chewing gums. Sweets and chewing gum can help when there are changes in the air pressure. It also gives you something wherein you can channel your anxiety, especially for first time flyers.

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