Problems With Travel Sickness

One of the most unpleasant things to experience when you travel whether by car, boat, ship or plane is when you feel the symptoms of motion sickness. This is not a serious disease though but it can make any trip you take to be very unpleasant. Motion sickness is also called travel sickness and it occurs when the motion that you see with your eyes is different with the motion that you sense with your inner ear. Anyone can get motion sickness but specially targets children and pregnant women as they are the ones very vulnerable to it. The first symptoms that occurs with motion sickness is nausea and dizziness and the urge to vomit then and there. Some people are able to control their vomit by averting their attention to somewhere else or by closing their eyes and sleeping but there are those that cannot help but vomit everything from the inside.

There are ways to prevent motion sickness and this depends on where you ride. When inside a car, sit at the front seat or if possible drive the car by yourself. There is a different feel to it when you are at the front seat compared to being at the back seat and you will notice this right away once you do this. When you travel by plane, sit over the plane's wing. If you are riding in a cruise ship, choose a cabin that is located at the center of the ship. This will help balance your feeling from being at either side of the ship that sways too much. If this does not help, it is best to look for something to drive your attention somewhere else such as watching the horizon or close your eyes and just lay on the bed, not minding the swaying of the ship. You need to stimulate your other senses which will help you get distracted from the motion that you are feeling.

There are medicines available that will prevent you from feeling motion sickness although in some people there are side effects to it such as being sleepy. Some medicines for motion sickness are required to be taken an hour or two earlier before you travel. Try to talk with your doctor about this matter and ask them the right medicines that will prevent you from feeling sick while travelling. Common medicines for this sickness include scopolamine, dimenhydrinate, and diphenhydramine.

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