Internet Access – Location Accessibility

As a traveler who needs constant connection with the internet, you need to be wary of some places that do not offer internet access. If you are a traveler who needs it most of the time, you need to do a lot of research as to which places offer the best signal strength. There are travelers that only need internet connection from time to time but nevertheless there is no harm in getting ready for it.

  • Airport – Most airports offer free internet access to those who enter the premises but most of the time they are complimentary only. The speed and its quality depend on which country and area of the airport is located.
  • Aircraft – Be aware that most aircrafts do not have any internet access although some of them offer such service, particularly with the A-class carriers such as the Qatar Airlines and other overseas flights. If you need internet access while on board the plane, you can ask the operator for the details. If they are offered, they are only on Wi-Fi technology only and maybe at premium rate in limited bandwidth or time.
  • Hotels – Most hotels offer internet connection and usually at good speed quality but this depends on the hotel you are staying it. They offer internet access to their clients in their rooms. They are not only limited at the rooms but also at lounges, restaurants, lobbies or other places within the vicinity of the hotel.
  • Elsewhere – if you are planning your trip outside of the cities such as camping out at mountains or having a caravan trip through the desert, you are bound to prepare your own facilities that will make you get an internet access. You can use 3G mobile network or satellites to get a good access. Be ready for the costs to pay if there are any.


If in between your travels you spend your time relaxing at coffee shops or malls, you may be able to get a Wi-Fi connection and most of them are offered for free. In some establishments, you need to purchase something in order to get access such as with coffee shops. They do not just give their Wi-Fi free for use easily; this is limited to customers only. Some places offer free internet access for a limited time. Be wary of using public Wi-Fi though as it can be unsecured.

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