Countries With the Best Festivals Everyone Should Visit

When you travel around, you get to see things that you have never seen before. You might think that sunset is just sunset but it looks and feels different when you are at different locations. More importantly, you get to meet with people who have different principles, views, and culture. That can help you grow a lot as a person.

If you have plans to travel, you might want to consider going to countries you have never been to before. Better yet, go there when there is a festival. You will experience more out of the place when the festivities fill up the air.

Get your backpacks ready and visit these top ten countries with the most amazing festivals ever!


Harbin Ice and Snow Festival is one of the amazing festivals of China. This is a festival that happens annually, specifically during the winter season. Participants get to compete with others in making ice sculptures. It is a internationally-renowned ice and snow festival considered to be the largest in the world.


Who has never heard of Rio Carnival? This is Brazil's most famous festival that occurs every Lent. People around the world gather at Rio de Janeiro just to participate in the biggest carnival in the world. There are revelers, adornments, and floats flooding the streets during this festivity.


Mardi Gras is one of the largest festivals in the world. Hosted in New Orleans, USA, this festival include wearing costumes and masks. Dancing, parades, and sports competitions are popular practices during this festival. Of course, it is not only USA that celebrates Mardi Gras. Some other places such as Rio de Janeiro, Colombia, Canada, and Mexico holds Mardi Gras annually too.


Italy is famous for its Carnival of Venice As the name suggests, this is the kind of carnival that is hosted in Venice, Italy. It is an annual celebration that can be likened to Mardi Gras since masks, dancing, and costumes are popular during this event. It is this festivity that brought about Venetian leather masks into popularity.


St. Patrick's Day Festival is an annual national celebration that made Ireland as one of the countries with the best festivals around the world. The Feast of St. Patrick is both a religious and cultural celebration that commemorates the death of the patron saint of Ireland: Saint Patrick. It is traditionally held every 17th of March, with every person wearing something green.


In Spain, the most famous festival being held annually is La Tomatina. This festival is known for its practice of throwing tomatoes. The participants usually get involved in a tomato war with entertainment as the main purpose. La Tomatina is usually held on the last Wednesday of August.

These are just some of the countries one should travel to for the sake of attending the best festivals of the world. Not only will this be fun and memorable, you will also get to meet new people. The trip will be more than any experience you could go through in your whole life!

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