A Piece of Moscow

Moscow is the largest and capital city of Russia as well as its seat of government power. It is also one of the largest cities in the whole world and one of those with the highest populations. With its rich history and modern developments, Moscow has become a city where the old and new meet. With its interesting past and travel worthy tourist spots, it has become a popular destination for those who caught the travel cold.

Before you make the trip, you would have to prepare things that you must prepare first. To get to Russia, one would need to acquire a visa. Options available for visa application are either through travel agencies and independent applications. Choosing the former would have an edge compared to the latter since you could save yourself from a bit of hassle and money as well. It is also important to note the culture of the people and the things to do upon arrival in the country and the city itself.

Aside from that, one of the most primal things to take into consideration before going to Moscow is the weather. The city is well known for its very cold weather. However, if you come with the necessary cold wear, the weather will be not unbearable after all.

Although Russia had become famous for being one of the most expensive countries, it is believed that times have changed already with the influx of tourists compared to its counterparts in Western Europe. Just be reminded that since it is impossible to buy Rubbles, the currency in Moscow, it is better to bring Euros or Dollars with you and have them exchanged in the city already.
Another option would be withdrawing from ATM's where flat-rate charges are small and have them exchanged after withdrawal at a reasonable exchange rate. Of course, a number of establishments are already accepting credit cards in processing transactions.

There is a lot of places to see in Moscow but it is important not to miss on getting to know the city's rich past by exploring museums, galleries, and parks to name a few.

  • Red Square

Strategically located at the heart of the City, this is considered as one of the world’s most famous squares. Not only considered as a symbolic center of Russia, it is also situated near other tourist spots in the city.

  • St. Basil’s Cathedral

Aside from the fact that it located in Red Square, this structure is hard to miss because of its bonfire-like architecture. The exterior of the cathedral appears feisty for the eyes but the interiors are described by many as plain and simple.

  • Tretyakov Gallery

This gallery is a must visit museum among all other museums in Moscow because it features the best collection of Russian art dating back to the 11th to the 20th century. These masterpieces are housed within the two buildings of this gallery known as the new and the old Tretyakov.

  • Moscow Zoo

This tourist destination may not be a mainstream for travelers, but it does offer a variety of species that children and adults alike could enjoy. It is a manifestation that Moscow is conducive not just for adults or soul-seekers but for a child-friendly city as well. 

Surely, there is a lot to know about the city before stepping your foot on it, but with everything that this wonderful city has to offer, all the preparations will surely be worth it.

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