What are the Best Places in the USA

American dream has been the mantra of people from other countries especially those from the third world countries. Visiting America is a big achievement for people who want to experience Hollywood life. For travelers, it is also a great experience to visit America. America is composed of many states, different regions and various races where travelers can enjoy its diversity.

Here are some examples of America’s states for you to choose from. Whether you are choosing from your next travel destinations or planning to move have vacation rest assured you treasure every second of your stay there. 

New York –The Big Apple

Your vacation in New York is endless because your time is never enough to enjoy the beauty of New York. Some people visit there to watch the Broadway Shows and others visit to specifically see some attractions. New York’s outstanding tourist spots are the Statue of Liberty, the Brooklyn Bridge, Central Park, the Empire State Building and many famous museums around the world. You can visit the Big Apple anytime of the year.

The Broadway has always been the highlight of visiting to New York. It is where you can experience the exceptional American theater where worldwide performances are shown. In the Broadway Show, you can see the latest shows and some most loved classics.

You can easily identify New York when you see the Statue of Liberty. It stands for the American freedom that is why it is very important for people in the United States. Also, the Brooklyn Bridge has been an inspiration of songwriters, painters and poets of all times. Aside from the Statue of Liberty, the Empire State Building is also a very popular tourist spot in New York. There are two observatories at the top of the building.

A walk in the park is great when done in Central Park. It has been the playground for most New Yorkers. As you roam around the park, you will prove to yourself that New York is not only a concrete jungle but also a nature filled paradise

After visiting America’s picturesque buildings around the city of New York, you can opt to visit a total opposite destination. Hawaii is composed of isolated archipelago with breath taking landscapes, waterfalls and beaches. It is also very popular place for surfers and swimmers because of its perfect waves. Beach bums can also enjoy the island of Hawaii because it has gold, black and red sands. It’s a perfect vacation for people who enjoy marine sports so much and for those who want tanned skins during summer. You can opt to visit the Hawaii volcanoes National Park for you to witness the most active volcanoes around the world. It is indeed the proof of mother earth’s influence. Another attraction in Hawaii is the beautiful oceanfront beach scenery of Waikiki. It has been accommodating a lot of tourists around the world. Waikiki is easy to reach and offers all the amenities and entertainment of a modern city.

If you want to travel to the USA, you must choose your destination wisely. Whether you want to experience the marvelous city scape or you opt to enjoy Mother Nature’s gift, you need to remember to take nothing but picture and leave nothing but memories.

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