Travel activities- Benefits of being a solo traveler

Have you ever get that feeling when you just want the world to yourself? Or you simply want to discover life on your own? Believe it, most of you might have probably thought about that. You know, one of the best things is to travel alone. By doing so, it does not mean that you hate being with people (unless if you are die hard introvert or socially awkward), you just need a break from socializing and getting to know yourself better.

Learn to be independent 
Traveling alone can help you to be more street smart around the environment and by “street smart”, it means to learn how to cope up with familiarizing of directions, meeting new people, avoids you to be ignorant and grow into appreciating new things. Through this, it will exercise your capabilities and shape you into a socially aware person then you will discover things that you thought you could never do it on your own.
Enhancing your decision making skills
Although it is much fun to travel together with your friends but spare yourself some time to develop yourself more. When we go on a trip with a companion, making decisions is a lot harder to take rather than you are on solo mode. Actually, this traveling solo can give you the opportunity to be less indecisive because you can focus on what you want to do without relying on the others.
Gain confidence
Once you are used to rappelling alone, you are now confident that wherever the universe takes you, rest assured that you are ready for a challenge on a new adventure. You can learn how to navigate in exotic places on your own without the fearing of getting lost. Also, it makes you overcome your insecurities too such as for instance, you are afraid of eating that scrumptious pork belly in a new place because you don’t want to get fat. Oh please, do yourself a favor for once in your life, stop being conscious!
Skip the drama
Did you ever encounter having a quarrel with your travel buddies?  Well by this time, when you are a solo traveler, you don’t have to worry about engaging into those situations because the best part is, the only drama you will meet is yourself. The choice is up to you whether you are going to make your trip a memorable one or not. No arguments allowed!
The “guilt free” feeling
Have you ever tried wanting to do something according to your own terms but you just can’t because you might sound selfish to your companion if you want to do things the way you planned? When traveling alone, you don’t have to feel guilty anymore since you are the driver of your own travel. You can shop all of those souvenirs, go to the places you have always wanted to see and get to experience new things you have never tried. Plus, being on solo can give you time to reflect on life and dive into deep thoughts for as long as you want to without anyone getting impatient with your solitude moment.

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