Travel 101

Perhaps one of the most often mentioned items on our bucket lists is to be able to travel to different parts of the world. And once this dream turns into a reality, the thing that we hope would never happen is for this dream-come-true to become a nightmare. However, we are fortunate enough that unlike nightmares, we have a bit of control over this realized dream.

There are a lot of things to plan and do when it comes to traveling. One would not want to go to a battle unarmed or go to a jungle without even the most basic survival skills. So before you step in to new unfamiliar ground, make sure to take note of these few tips for you to be able to get through the journey:

  1. Try as much as possible to get everything for less- take advantage of airfare promos, book affordable yet comfortable accommodations, and research on means of transportation that will help you save while you go around the places, to name a few.
  2. Pack smartly. I understand we all want to look good on the photos we share with other people on social media, with our family, or even if we just want to look back after several years. But, you would be able to not spend unnecessarily for excess baggage on airplanes and you’ll also save yourself from fatigue from carrying a heavy load and save time on packing once you transfer from one place to another. Just make sure you have enough appropriate stuff.
  3. Connected with the previous tip, make sure you research on the forecasted weather or season within the dates of your travel for you to plan your itinerary well and to be able to know what clothes and accessories to bring. You would not want to travel sweaty and sticky on sweaters in the middle of Middle East’s summer.
  4. It is understandable that you will be needing a bit of entertainment to kill time or lull you to sleep during long travel periods. However, it is highly advisable that you get this stuff on one gadget. Save novels, guide books and music in one gadget.
  5. Back everything up, from money to pictures. You would not know what could happen. Your wallet could fall off your jeans, your camera might get splashed with water, your passport might be misplaced, and you can’t afford any of those, can you? So make sure you have all of them backed up, digital and hard copies, with cash stashed in to different “hiding” places.
  6. Do not be afraid. Yes, you are in a new place where you probably know no one, but do not allow this innocence to disrupt or scare you to explore. You can always deviate from the pre-listed itinerary to discover something that intrigued you along the way. Ask locals about things when you hare in doubt or curious. There are still a lot of good and trustworthy strangers out there.
  7. While you are being friendly, please also do not forget about safety. Have the presence of mind and be in the moment so that you can enjoy every bit of the experience while you keep an eye for yourself.

See, traveling is not stress-free at all even if that is one of the most popular ways to de-stress. However, after the experience you will be able to find out that everything was worth it. 

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