Road Trip – How To Be Prepared For A Road Trip

Taking a road trip is exciting and can often account for some of your best travel memories. A road trip is never without its setbacks though so take care to eliminate as many as you can. Being ready for a road trip involves more than packing a bag and heading off. There is some safety automotive related issues that you need to address if you want to make it home without any problems. Any trip you take requires planning so schedule things ahead of time rather than leaving everything until the very last minute.

  • Check your car, in the week before you leave, and give your car a good checking over to make sure it will last the distance. Give it a service if you know what you're doing, or take it to your mechanic if you don't. Make sure our insurance and road side assistance are paid up. On the day you leave, double check the air in the tires, check all fluids, and have spares on board just in case, water, oil, power steering fluid, a small jerry can or fuel.
  • Grab you gear, first is the cash, keep a small cash reserve of a couple of hundred dollars, especially if your trip will take you far into the country.

a. Maps, know where you're going, and how you'll get there. If possible, check your local traffic services for any accidents, disruptions or road works.
b. Snacks, Most of the food available where you refuel is generally rubbish. A homemade sandwich will do you a lot better than a tube of Pringles and a Mars Bar and, let's face it, a greasy steering wheel and a sugar crash is a recipe for disaster.
c. extra pudding, Unless you're driving a top of the line luxury car, that seat is probably not going to remain comfortable over a long distance, especially in the lower back area. Luckily there are a whole range of foam and inflatable cushions available to ease your pain
d. Stay Alert, being alert is one of the most important aspects of any type of driving. Unfortunately the nature of road trips means that they can be monotonous at times, and the effort of concentrating on the road ahead for a long period of time inevitably leads to fatigue.

There is a good chance you will need to present them at some point. Change for toll booths is handy too so keep some in your console. A road trip is fun but it's best when it's trouble free.

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  • The post has been an eye opener, happy to have found it.

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