Medical Tourism – Best Countries In Medical Tourism

Medical Tourism involves the choice made by patients to seek better treatment for health conditions abroad, mostly with the intention of finding treatment options at a lower cost. It embraces all aspects of patients seeking treatment, improvement and change through various medical or wellness practices away from home. For person who is traveling here are some countries that have the best medical Tourism.

  • Malaysia, you can get a face lift, cataract removal and even a knee replacement all for excellent quality and a very reasonable price. You can spend your days recovering in absolute relaxation on the shores of this "Truly Asian" country's beautiful beaches.
  • Egypt, The land once ruled by Cleopatra has more than pyramids and camel rides to offer. Egypt offers surgeries priced up to 60 - 70% lower than in the US or UK
  • South Africa, specializing in medical safaris, you get the chance to see lions, elephants, alligators and many more all in their natural habitat.  The fact that the first human heart transplant was successfully performed in this African nation in the 60's should be enough to pacify any aesthetically challenged patient's worries.
  • India: Movies like Slum Dog Millionaire do not paint India in the best light but the country has seen a 30% increase in patients in recent years. Specializing in expensive cardiac and orthopedic surgeries, the savings in India can be tremendous. In fact, a bypass in the States could run upwards of $80,000 but, in India, that same operation could cost just $8,000 - a savings of 90%.
  • Hungary, Neighboring Europeans have been crossing over to this nation for years to get a dose of their state-of-the-art medical technology. Visiting Westerners can take advantage of dental procedures at half the price of what they would pay at home.
  • Mexico, while not popular with actual surgeries, many people in the southwestern part of the United States travel across the border to Mexico for medical care.
  • Brazil, It only goes to reason that the country that gave us the Brazilian bikini and the corresponding Brazilian bikini wax, would be tops in cosmetic surgeries. In fact, Brazil has more plastic surgeons per capital than any country in the world.

When you need medical care it may pay to shop around (the world). Obviously you must proceed with great caution, do your research and always double-check before traveling for any serious procedure.

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