Hypermiliing – The Big Benefit Of Hyper milling

Since almost all of us use vehicle's to drive around and with gas prices all over the world climbing higher and higher, many people are now looking for methods on making their gallon of gas go further. Hypermiling is practice of mileage maximization and increasing the amount of gas mileage you get from your vehicle. This involves many different aspects including keeping your vehicle in great shape, you’re driving behavior, and what type of vehicle's you drive. Hypermiling isn't just a load of hype; many people have been using these techniques to save on gas for many years. But it's only really getting attention now due to the continual increase of high fuel prices. Here are some tips on how practice hypermilling.

  • Following traffic laws can actually help you save gas. For instance, driving the speed limit and refraining from speeding will save gas. As well, drive to avoid using your brakes.
  • Keep your vehicle in good working condition. Your tires should be fully inflated. Keep your fluid levels, especially motor and brake fluid, at the top level. Make sure your tires are balanced and properly aligned.
  • Much of the energy is consumed when one accelerates a vehicle. When accelerating, slowly take your foot off the brake and apply it to the gas pedal. If you are in an automatic vehicle, it will move forward slowly on its own.
  • The best way to reduce fuel consumption is to drive less. A number of tips to drive less include: live close to work, carpool, bicycle, walk, and take the bus.
  • Don't overburden your vehicle with extra weight. For instance, clean out junk in the trunk and rest of the vehicle and remove roof racks. Driving a lightweight car during fine weather and when there are strong tail winds will save energy.
  • Drive in a fuel efficient manner. For instance, avoid travel during peak traffic times, drive on well paved roads, avoid traffic congestion, turn off the vehicle if you have to sit in traffic, avoid the drive-through, leave for your destination a little early so you do not drive faster, and choose the driving lane of 'least resistance.

By implementing hyper milling or practicing it you will be saving a lot of money. Becoming a hyper miler is a great way to reduce fuel cost and reduce you impact on the environment. And by applying a number of easy cost saving measures, it will not be long before you see substantial savings. 

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