Getting Good Deals On Lodging

Lodging is very important for a traveler and you reading this article means that you are planning to travel far away from home. Whether you are just going to have a short trip within your city or country or going overseas, never forget to double check your lodging if it is fitted to your needs or not.

  • Join clubs - not just any random clubs but those that offer good deals for your lodging such as the loyalty program of a hotel, even if you are just staying for a single night. These programs does not mean it is only exclusive for guests that have stayed long although you need to check if there are restrictions to become a member. Some hotels however do not have such restrictions. You will find that they offer free services to its members such as free breakfast to your room each morning or presses to any of your garments at no cost.
  • Do not settle with the star ratings of the hotels because these days they are not enough to convince everyone. So before booking for an accommodation, ask around for their opinions about the hotel or you can read reviews from their official website that are posted by past guests. You can also ask for the specific room that you need and clearly state that you do not just want any room.
  • If you have good negotiation skills, ask the front desk for sweeter deals but be reminded that you cannot convince them to lower the prices on rooms because the prices are based on the average rate per night and the occupancy percentage so it means that they do not have the power to lower the prices. Instead they can offer you other deals that you may find it interesting such as a room upgrade, or free breakfast in your room. If this kind of negotiation seems nerve wracking for you, try asking them about other packages that you have no knowledge about.
  • Hotels are highly demand so you have another option such as an alternative dwelling - one that will make you feel really at home or integrated with the area such as the B&B, farm stays or house swaps, to name a few.

As a guest you have the right to complain when something is not right with the room you choose so do not hesitate to call front desk and tell them of your concerns.

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