Festivals Around the World You Should See

There are a lot of festivals all around the world. Festivals are fun and colorful. And where there is a festival there is bound to be a lot of partying and drinking as well. Read on to know more about the most unique and breathtaking festivals.

  1. The Rio de Janeiro Carnival – Brazil

It has been recorded that the first festivals held in Rio was on 1823. This Festival in Rio is considered to be one of the biggest and has a record of two million people celebrating it on the streets in a day. It is celebrated annually, just before the Lent season.

  1. The Chinese New Year

This is definitely the longest running festival in the Chinese calendar and it is complete with fireworks, dragon, lanterns and flowers. This is also considered as the most significant day of the Chinese. It starts during the Eve of the Chinese calendar's last day of the month and ends on the 15th day of the first month of the Chinese calendar.

  1. Boryeong Mud Festival, South Korea

Now this one sounds a little messy but it should be fun. So how did this all start? There is a cosmetic company in South Korea that uses the mud from Boryeong as its main ingredient. They did not want to spend so much money on advertising and thus the festival was born. It allows the potential customers to experience the benefits of their product firsthand. But do not worry, when you get bored of all the activities that include mud you can enjoy the live music and fireworks as well.

  1. Harbin Ice and Snow Festival – Harbin, China

There is only one word to describe it. Magical. In this festival you will see exquisite snow and ice sculptures made magical with lights and lasers. Try visiting the festival and experience the magic firsthand!

  1. Dia de los Muertos or The Day of the Dead, Mexico

This festival though is also celebrated around the world by other cultures. This holiday is being held in memory of loved ones who have passed away. They visit the graves of their deceased family and bring the departed's favorite food and some flowers to liven up the place.

  1. Holi, India

This is probably one of the most colorful festivals in the world, literally. Holi is known as the festival of colors. The night before the festival people gather around a Hoika bonfire and they sing and dance. The next day, people run around and chase each other with dry paint mixed in water. You can also use water guns and water balloons filled with colored water. And do not worry about upsetting anyone if you throw colored water at them because everyone is up for it.

  1. Carnival of Venice – Italy

This is the kind of carnival that allows you to do what you want without having to feel guilty about it. Experience Venice come to life as Venetians and tourists alike don on their masks. The canals are also filled with colorful boats. You will also be able to find masked balls and loads of parties at night. This is a fairy tale that has come to life.

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