DONT’s When you are in Vietnam

Traveling is really fun because as you travel, you gain new experiences every single day. These experiences are actually a mixture of both positive and negative ones. When you go to Vietnam, it is surely one of the best places that you could ever go to. However, it is not perfect. There are some aspects that you might find stressful. So, it is better to know the DONT’s when you are in Vietnam.

Vietnam is a safe place for tourists but there are petty crimes such as theft. So, it is important that when you are a tourist, you should not wear jewelry especially when you are walking down the streets. You are a subject to a crime and you might be encouraging others to commit one. In addition, when you are riding a motorbike or a motorbike taxi, make sure that your bag is safe especially the one where your valuables are. You do not know if someone could snatch it out.

As a tourist, you should respect their culture especially when you are inside temples or their pagodas. It is necessary not to wear revealing clothes, shorts, and see-through blouses when you are in that kind of places. It is better if you wear a T-shirt and a pair of pants because you are more presentable in the eyes of the locals.

If you are touring around the country, make sure that you have enough patience. People who are so usually get and receive favors easily. The locals do not like to entertain people who do not do anything.

Moreover, if you travel with your lover, it is best not to show your affection too much especially in public. If you kiss or do more in front of people, you will surely get the public’s eye and just expect criticism afterwards.

In summary, when you travel to one country, it is very important to know the DOs and the DONTs of each country. With this, you are sure that you are respecting their culture and that you are enjoying things in their country without doing anything wrong. So, it is necessary to do your research before traveling and make sure to plan things ahead of time always. Planning simply gives out a better outcome and surely it gives out a memorable and unforgettable worthwhile experience in Vietnam.

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