Aviation Security – How To Get Through In A Airline Security Quickly

Airport security has been stricter than ever. While, for many of us, airport security is a time consuming inconvenience, it is extremely important to our safety passengers. With much more effort being put into screening individuals and luggage, airport security is becoming more difficult to just pass by. Flying can be a trying experience for anyone. Adding airport security to the mix can make a bad day into a nightmare. With long lines and strange rules, airport security checkpoints can lead to missed flights and embarrassing situations. However, with a little planning and knowledge, the major pitfalls of airport security can be effectively avoided, sending you on your way with time to spare. Here are some tips to help you and your family prepare for an airport security quickly. 

  • Boarding passes and passport, first and foremost, ensure all boarding passes and appropriate identification such as passports, are out and at the security officer. Having to search for them after you have waited in line forever, is simply inexcusable and shows lack of consideration for other waiting behind you.
  • The second tip is to be prepared to remove all jackets, heavy sweaters and belts and place them into the plastic containers provided as quickly as possible. Most airports still ask you to remove your footwear as well and placed in the containers. To avoid being stopped while walking through the screening device, be sure to empty your pockets of loose change and any other detectable metal objects you may be carrying.
  • There are strict rules and guidelines for liquids, gels and aerosols. The size limit is 100 ml maximum and kept in a clear plastic see through baggy and taken out of your carry-on baggage and also placed in the container for screening.
  • Electronic devices such as your laptop computer must be removed from the carrying case and place in the provided containers as well. Do you best to remove your laptop prior to reaching the security check point to save time and added stress. Electronic games, cameras, cell phone and other more, may be kept in your carry on bag and not removed unless asked to do by a security officer. 

Above all and the most important thing to remember is to remain calm, be polite and patient and realized that everyone has to go through this process when traveling by air. If everyone would become a little more prepared by utilizing some of these tips above, the whole process would certainly run so much smoother and quicker.

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